Friday, June 10, 2011

Inspirational Quotes...

I love reading inspirational quotes.  Why?  Because they are my source of inspiration in my life. Reading quotes has actually become a habit and I choose to be inspired with these quotes.  I bask on them because they give me HOPE that brings me another perspectives and a new level of awareness.  

So, may these quotes about life inspire you the way they have inspired me...Happy reading...

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”
Buddha quotes

Hmmm...I always use the power of my thinking in my work and in my personal life....It pays to have positive thoughts...I have used this to my advantage...a sample situation is...when I train and coach somebody, I would condition my mind that he or she will win...Hmmm....having taught and prepared all the things that need to be done and all things being equal...BINGO...even with the projects and activities that I handle, I  use my POSITIVE thoughts and of course my FAITH...I always believe that what dwells into our hearts and our minds is what we attract into our lives...

"The brain is capable of millions of different things. It can take us to a higher level of our existence, where we can actually understand the world in a deeper way, where we can understand our relationship to things and people in a deeper way, and we can ultimately make more meaning for ourselves and our world. We can show that there's a spiritual part of our brain, it's a part that we all can have access to, and it's something that we can all do." 
- Dr. Andrew Newberg M.D.

Excellence is attained through a repetition of what we do which ultimately become a habit, sometimes resulting to perfection...We become who and what we are because we are consistent with what we do. Impressions of people on us are based on what we repeatedly do...and so we are known for excellence because it has become part of our act that has become a habit.

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle, Greek philosopher (B.C. 384-322)

We have to truly love life without counting its cost...when we know we have done everything for it, when we have given everything we can to love it, in return it will love us back with overflowing blessings....Out attitude towards life will definitely define that kind of life we will that if we LOVE life, I am sure, LIFE will love us back. So we should always ENJOY life because it is a BLESSING...

Our lives is a series of defining moments, strung together by passing time. Surrender fully to this moment, because it is not the moment itself that defines us, but how we choose to live in it.”--Jill Pendley

So TRUE..Love begets love...what we sow, we unconditionally and others would do the same to you...HATRED should NOT reside in our hearts for this can KILL us...kill our SELF and our SOUL...We should learn how to FORGIVE...for in forgiveness there is FREEDOM...

We must always be the first to change before we can change the world...the change we make today changes tomorrow....If we desire to live a peaceful life, then we must desire to bring about peace, by first being at peace with ourselves...we should always LIVE WHAT WE PREACH and WALK OUR TALK.

As I end, I have resolved that I would like to LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE as I journey to life.  I will always choose to have a life of LOVE, PEACE, MEANING and JOY, keeping my FAITH and TRUST in the LORD.

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