Saturday, January 22, 2011

wHaT hAs LOVE tAuGhT yOu LaTelY?

LOVE has taught me to be patient, to endure, to understand, to give myself more because its real essence is to love unconditionally...

I have realized that sincere and true LOVE is to care for the happiness of other people, to forgive others for their wrongdoings, to accept what can't be changed.

One cannot give what she or he does NOT have. People who have so much love in their hearts can give more because they have so much to give.

LOVE has made me understand that it does NOT set rules nor standards, that it does NOT look into one's stature in life, for when one feels it and honors it, he or she becomes SHORT OF REASONS to justify what he/she feels.

LOVE has taught me to understand people who defies reasons because of it...





It has its distinct ESSENCE…

Life's Intelligence through LOVE...

Thank you for the enlightenment...
My actions are now empowered by the
Intelligence of Life itself.

And this is what my soul has taught me of what love is
through the years...

That love is beyond my understanding of what it is.
Beyond the words that I say to let you know what I exactly feel,
Beyond the feelings that I express through my actions...
Beyond what was, what is, and what will be...
For this is love that is meant to be.

I will hang on and hold on...
Because forever you will
Always be in my heart.

FLEETING Thoughts...

SIMPLE abundance in life gives simple joys that make life worth living.

LIFE gets complicated sometimes because of the wrong choices and decisions we make.

WE take a path because we believe that it is the right one. As we journey we find out that there are other paths ...the question is...are we going to risk and try other paths or we will NOT at all dare.

I always find time to take a FULL STOP to give myself a chance to think whether I need to go on or not on the things that I do.

MY foresight on realities would often tell me the possible consequences of my choice and decision in life...I always PRAY for DISCERNMENT whenever I am on a dilemma.

YES, there are times that I get disappointed because my expectations are NOT met. If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is to HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS at all.

NO one can live my life for me, for this is my life. I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY of my actions and on how I would want to live my life.

LIVE each day. Live at present and NOT in the past or in the future! Carpe Diem! Seize the pleasures of the moment!

A sense of gratitude has made me more blessed in life. The more I THANK the LORD for what I have, the more I become contented and the more I realize how blessed I am.

My heart knows WHOM TO KEEP  and WHOM TO TREASURE.

LIFE is what we make it...our destiny or fate is determined by the choices and decisions we make.

IF there is one person who should know WHO I am and WHAT I am, that should be ME.

ABOVE all, in everything that I do, in whatever endeavor I take, I should always do things with FAITH in my heart...offer it to the Lord for His greater glory!!!