Friday, January 27, 2012

oN bEiNg A gRaNdMa...

What is this that I feel?
I never thought this will be for real.
I love being a grandma and for fourteen days,
I am now engaged in this whole idea.

Now I know the secret…
Why it is fun to be a grandparent.
It is because one becomes goofy and crafty,
Because holding your little angel in your arms makes you happy!

All I wish is to be a blessing in Nichole’s life.
One who will just be there to love and care for her,
To guide and tell her stories of our family,
And teach her life’s wisdom and inspire her with what I do.

I understand now how to be a grandmother
And I just love the feeling…the joy in one’s heart.
This is a new season in my life where I have committed myself,
Which I will treasure and forever be grateful to the Lord!

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