Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Be Careful...

There are lot of things that people should be careful with. Sometimes people do not really think of these things. Hmmm...Hhere are some of the things which I thought people should be careful about...

Be careful about WHAT YOU SAY...words are powerful...if it is negative, then try to hold it and don't dare say it. If you think it will give a negative effect to the person, then dismiss the thought of saying the words. WORDS CAN MAKE OR BREAK A PERSON.

Be careful when you bring to light an issue. Make sure you are the person who is in authority about the matter. Give an allowance for mistakes because of human limitations. Remember, NOBODY IS PERFECT.

Be careful of people who think they have the right to say what the heck they want about your work. Well, if by chance he is not your boss or immediate superior, then you can always say...to each his own...or even if he is your boss, you can always say...GIVE ME A CHANCE....

 Be careful on how you treat others. Make sure that they feel and see that you respect their individuality. 

 Be careful of giving unwarranted comments, this might not be taken positively by the person.

Be careful of who you trust and tell your problems to.  Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

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